Weekly Update; Snow Days and Rabbit Stew


Warning! This Blog Post contains pictures of a skinned rabbit we ate for dinner. You have been warned…

This week was amazing! First off, I took this whole week off from work because my vacation days would be expiring soon and I needed to use them up. (Plus, I desperately needed a break from work.) And what a perfect week to take off too! As Mother Nature decided to finally bless us with snow and single digit temperatures!

I have been using this time to work to do some wedding stuff, clean the house, and watch out the window as multiple blizzards slide in and turn the apartments into a winter wonderland.

Snow has taken over outside the past few days! Right now, we only have about a foot, foot and a half of snow. The wind howling outside is causing trees to get covered in snow as the snow comes in at a bitter angle that chills you to the bone! More snow is predicted over the next week, which is making me anxious for driving to and from work. I have enjoyed my mini vacation from work, and I am so thankful I haven’t had to drive in this weather, but I also know that winter is just beginning.

After having a foot of snow drop on us overnight (and continuing to snow throughout the morning), my fiancé and I have spent most of the morning/afternoon outside shoveling our way to our cars and brushing them off. We weren’t going anywhere today, but it’s always good practice to have the cars brushed off and ready just in case. Besides, it’ll make it easier to brush off a few inches of snow tomorrow morning, as opposed to a foot and a half of snow if I had just left it.

Of course, since life is unfair and often fortunes the lazy, the people who hadn’t shoveled just had to wait until noon when the maintenance man stopped by with his snow blower to make easy work of the snow-covered sidewalks.. AFTER we had spent all morning shoveling to keep up with the constant snow, that’s when someone shows up and makes all of our hard work look like it was for nothing! At least we got a good workout from it. 🤷‍♀️

Another thing that happened this week was that my fiancé shot a rabbit! I was so proud of him, and we got some really nice rabbit stew out of it! Any day we don’t have to pay for meat and get free food is a great day for us! We threw it in the crockpot with some potatoes, carrots, green beans, and Italian seasoning, and it was amazing!

And finally, the last thing I will say about this incredible week, is that I finally got my hair re-dyed! The green had faded so much from my hair, that it was starting to look blond! I have been getting so many comments about my ‘blond hair’ that I decided I needed to get it redone! And I love how it turned out! It looks greener in the picture, but it’s actually an electric blue. They didn’t have all of the dye they needed for my hair from last time, so we experimented and put some aqua in it. I think it turned out amazing, and I even booked an appointment to have it done again right before the wedding! They tried convincing me that I should get it re-bleached too, so that I would have more color. But I kindly said NO WAY and told them that once the color was gone, it was gone! I wasn’t going to keep this hair forever and I miss my pretty brown hair. But as long as my colored hair was going to fade back to my ‘blond’ bleached hair, I may as well keep it colored as best as I can. ❤

That’s it for today’s weekly update! I hope the rest of you had amazing weeks and if you’re in a snowy climate like I am, stay safe out there! As always my lovely readers, smile, have an amazing day, and curl up with a good book!(The book I’ve been reading the past few days has been ‘Everything Everything’ and I am loving it! I haven’t had much of a chance to read as of late, but with this week off, I decided to stop by the library and see if anything caught my eye. -Spoiler Alert, it did!)

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