10 Spa Day / Self Love Ideas for Women this Valentines Day


With Valentines Day coming up, I thought I would share some ideas for some self-love. After all, we must remember to love ourselves before we can love others. <3 So without further a due, here are 10 Spa Day / Self Love ideas for you to do to remind yourself that you need a little love as well. 😉

1. Take a nice warm bath! Make sure to put some Epson salts, essential oils, and a bath bomb in the water as well, for a little extra added pampering! (Just make sure to wash the tub out when you’re done, as the oils will make it slippery!)

2. Read your favorite romance novel! Listening to romantic piano music play softly in the background while you read makes for some great ambiance!

3. Do a Face Mask! Do you have some face masks laying around that you’ve never had time to use? Don’t have a face mask? No problem! Pinterest has many ideas for how to make your own from ingredients found right in your kitchen!

4. Put your favorite Rom-Com on the TV! ’Tis the season for romantic comedies! If you’re into romantic movies like I am, pick your favorite one to put on the TV while you enjoy your spa day (may I suggest the Bridgerton series on Netflix, or Pride and Prejudice on Hulu for good shows this Valentines Day).  If you don’t like romance at all, put it on anyways and laugh about how predictable and awful they are! Either way, it gets you in the spirit for some self-love. ❤

5. Pour yourself a drink! Whether it’s wine, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, or a cute little glass of pink lemonade, pour yourself a drink to enjoy today! Staying hydrated is certainly a form of self-love, and if your favorite drink puts you in a great mood, even better!

6. Paint your nails!
Find a color that fits your mood…
Sexy = Red!
Girly = Pink!
Enchanting = Dark Purple!
Sweet = Light Purple
Classy = White / French Tips
Cheerful = Yellow

7. Take a nap with a guided meditation for extra relaxation.(See video below for some ideas on guided meditations for Valentines Day)

8. Give yourself a foot massage! This could be with a foot massager, or by hand with lotion, essential oils, or a sugar scrub! (Or all of the above!) If you really want to go the extra mile, soak your feet in a tub of warm water and Epson salt after you massage them! And don’t forget to put on a pair of fuzzy socks after you do this, as your feet will feel extra sensitive after!

9. Spend some time coloring! Hey, adults color too! And why not reward yourself with some quiet coloring time after a long week of work? Bring out those colored pencils (or crayons, or markers), print yourself out a cute coloring page, and let yourself be a kid again!

10. Listen to some (romantic) music! While you’re sitting there coloring on the floor, face mask hardening, and your comfy socks snugly on your feet, it’s always nice to have some soft music playing in the background. Or hey, crank that music up and have a dance party! Maybe even do some karaoke! Whatever you’re doing, music can be a great mood booster to add to your day!

11. Bonus Point! Buy yourself some flowers! Whether you have someone special in your life, or you’re by yourself this Valentines Day, you don’t have to wait around for someone to buy you flowers! You are an amazing person who deserves to have flowers for Valentines Day, so go out and make it happen! Not only will they make you smile every time you look at them, but they are a great reminder that you can love yourself too.

I hope you all have an amazing Valentines Day this year! And I hope that we can all remember that we need to give ourselves a little love too! COMMENT BELOW! What do YOU do to show yourself a little love? Is there anything missing on my list? Comment below and share your thoughts! And as always, smile, have an amazing day, and give yourself a hug from me!


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