Weekly Update: Cleaning Our New House!


This week we have bought a house, showed it off to family, and started the process of cleaning it up so that we can move into it!

There is still a LOT that needs to be done to the house, but so far, here is what we’ve gotten done:

The bathroom took quite a while, since we had to scrub the walls, change the toilet seat out, scrub the heck out of the sink and cabinets in there, and change out the lightbulbs in the bathroom with LED bulbs. We also got rid of the shower curtain hanging in there, as it had a strong odor of cigarette smoke. The only things we didn’t get cleaned in the bathroom was the floor, and the shower, because we kept having to dump bucket after bucket of dirty water in the shower after scrubbing all of the walls. 🤢😝

The living room was mopped so that my parents could bring their dog over while we all worked, and my dad did an amazing job at scrubbing all of the yellow off the walls in there. Before we started cleaning, you could see every place pictures had been hung on the wall; white squares were everywhere, and the rest of the walls were a sickly yellow color! The people who lived here before were heavy smokers, so the walls are getting cleaned and painted over with smell eliminating primer and paint before we move in!

The kitchen is the center of attention for the house, and my favorite room! The kitchen is literally the center of the house, and besides the living room, it is the biggest room of the house! We didn’t do much work in the kitchen besides scrubbing all of the tile you see in the picture below and attempting to scrub years of grease off the stovetop. We plan on getting a new stove before we move in, because no matter how much we scrub, this stove is just COVERED in grease! We also have a LOT more cupboard space than we currently do in our apartment, but it would have been nice to have some kind of pantry too, so we want to see what we can do to add a ‘bit’ more storage space in there..

As for the two bedrooms, we got some of the walls scrubbed in bedroom #1 (bottom left), and nothing done yet with bedroom #2 (bottom right). You can really see in the picture below (bottom left) how bad the walls are, and you can see the difference in where the pictures were hung on the walls, and where the cigarette smoke has yellowed the walls through time. The floors in bedroom #1 are going to need replaced eventually, and the carpet in bedroom #2 are going to be ripped out, but that will be a project for later.. In the meantime, cleaning and painting the walls are going to be the biggest project!

So yeah, that’s my house tour and what all we’ve gotten done with the rooms in the house! Be sure to check back often for more content as we fix up and move into our amazing new house and work on turning it into our dream home. ❤

Until then, smile, have an amazing day, and always chase your dreams. ❤

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