Foggy Morning Drive


This morning on my way to work, something was in the air.. And it wasn’t smoke from Canada this time! Instead, it was a fog so thick, I felt like I was driving into a brick wall while driving into work this morning.

Such a creepy sight after the storms we had last night! Driving in this fog was a slow and awe-striking drive. I was so mesmerized by the fog that I missed my turn and didn’t realize until I was a few miles down the road! I had to turn around, find the right road (hard to do when you can’t see what’s in front of you), and be extra careful with where I was going.

I hope everyone else is having an amazing day! My fiancƩ and I are just about to go down and watch some early fireworks for the 4th of July! As always, Smile, have an amazing day, and watch out for fog!

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