What it’s Like to Work in a Greenhouse in the Summer


Let me start by saying I love my job. I get to spend all day in a greenhouse, surrounded be beautiful plants, talking to people about plants, watering plants, and making sure these plants go to a good home. It’s quiet, slow paced, and relaxing.

One thing I do not love about my job, however, is the HEAT! I knew that working in a greenhouse was going to be hot. But goodness I was not prepared for how hot! You would think that in Michigan of all places, the summers would not be quite this hot! But no matter the temperature outside, the greenhouse is always about ten to twenty degrees hotter.

Sure, I can put two of the four sides of the greenhouse up, and that helps to let a cool summer breeze come through the greenhouse. But that only makes the very front of the greenhouse a smidge cooler, while the rest of the greenhouse is still stuffy and hot.

I keep myself cool as best as I can. I spray my arms and face with the hose while I’m watering, that certainly cools me off! I also have a little hand fan that I fan myself with while watering (works well when I wet my face first). I also have a nice cool rag I bring into work with me that stays nice and cold around my neck. And of course, when it gets too hot, I can walk into the store to cool off!

However I cool off for the day, I know that I can’t disappear into the store all day and neglect my flowers all the time. My job is in the is out in the greenhouse. So outside in the heat I stay, watering my flowers and deadheading all day.

Spring was easy in the greenhouse! It was nice and cool outside, the greenhouse hardly ever got hot and stuffy, and if it did, all I had to do was open the wall and let the cool breeze come through to cool it down! Plus, I had flowers coming in and out it looked like I was in an enchanted forest!

Now, with all of this heat from Summer, I can’t wait until Fall comes! Seriously, I’m counting down the days until Fall is here! (78 more days…) Only two more months of this awful heat and I will so much happier in that greenhouse. It’s getting so hot in there that my days off are spent never leaving the air conditioned apartment and all of the fans are faced to me. I get heat sickness more often then I care to admit with this job too. Just the other day I had to actually leave work due to heat exhaustion and it took me a day or two to come back from that. (Hence why, after five days in the hot and stuffy greenhouse, I stay home in the AC.)

It’s not all bad in the greenhouse though! It’s honestly my dream job! I get paid for taking care of plants, and helping customers find the plants they need! And if I happen to sit there for half an hour talking to a lady about how bad the racoons are this year, or how to get rid of those pesky dear eating her garden, I get paid to do that! And the best part is, I’m gaining so much knowledge for my future homestead by talking to people and doing my own research on stuff along the way.

That’s it for today my lovely readers! As always, Smile, have an amazing day, and never give up on your dreams! 😉

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