How the New Year is Going So Far..


We are officially Two weeks into the New Year, and I’ve got to say, we’re starting out this new year strong!

So far this year my fiancé and I have checked out two houses to buy, one of which showed a glimmer of promise… My fiancé also shot his very first rabbit of the year! We cleaned out the apartment in preparation for a possible move soon. And we dehydrated a bunch of stuff in our new dehydrator!

I am also sticking with my new year’s resolution of posting more regularly! I will be posting every Monday and Thursday, with a weekly update on Saturdays. (We’ll see how long that lasts.. 😉) For now anyways, I am keeping to task!

I also took the second week of January off, as I had vacation days I needed to take, and I wanted to use them before they were gone. It was a blessing, as it not only gave me a break from the drama at work, but it also allowed me to stay inside during all of the winter storms we have been having the past week.

I have been taking some time to do some wedding planning as well. The invitations to what we are calling our ‘small celebration‘ have finally been finished and are being sent out soon. ❤

Although we are only halfway through the first month of the year, things are looking promising for our year so far! We are trying to keep the hope and the momentum going as we plunge into the year with our eyes wide open and our hearts full of love. ❤

As always my lovely readers, smile, have an amazing day, and keep plugging along at this new year!

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