Weekly Update; Let The Packing Begin!


Well, we sign the papers next week! That means that this apartment needs packed up slowly but surely, and cleaning supplies need gathered up and put aside!

So far, we have been taking our time with packing. (And by ‘we’, I mean ‘me’, because I want to make sure that it’s packed correctly. -Sorry honey!) Today, my fiancé was out with family and I had the day off. So, I’ve been making the most out of today by packing up the bookshelves. They look really empty (probably because they are empty) and the boxes are starting to stack up.

Once we get the house, we plan on spending some time cleaning it and doing some home repairs right away before officially moving in. There is nothing ‘too’ major that we need to do, but we have a bunch of little things we need to fix up and change before we move in. Because of this, we will still be staying at the apartment after we get the house so that we have time to clean and move stuff over.

Thankfully, we have plenty of friends and family who offered to help us out with moving AND cleaning, so we are also gathering snacks and drinks for our amazing friends who are helping us out.

Another thing on today’s agenda was making fudge for our realtor as a thank you for all that he helped us with. He was a huge help in finding our house and helping us with the home buying process. And our way of saying thank you is always with food. 🙂

We have been slowly packing all week as we get ready for this big move, and we are extremely excited to start this new chapter of our lives together. ❤

If you want to read more about us finding our house, check out these links below!
Starting the Journey into House Hunting
We’re Buying Our Homestead!
Why Homesteading is Becoming a Trend, and Why We Want to Homestead Too!

That’s all for this week’s update! Check back next week as we dive into house cleaning and getting our new place ready for moving in!

As always, smile, have an amazing day, and enjoy your weekend!

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