Weekly Update: We Got Chicks!


This morning, we ended the week off right with a lovely storm by Mother Nature. It was short lived and only lasted around ten minutes, but the thunder and lightning were beautiful to watch! So beautiful in fact, I just had to wake up at five in the morning to go and sit on the couch to watch the storm through as the thunder shook the house. ⛈️⚡🌩️

This week has gone by fast, and yet every day was mini adventure!

Saturday and Sunday were spent building the Chicken pen and getting things ready for our chicks to come home this week…

Monday was spent sitting outside and enjoying a lazy day of reading and blogging in the back yard.. Read my blog post; Sitting in the Back Yard.

Tuesday was spent going to war with the bees and wasps around here! There were hornets getting in the house, there were wood bees eating the wood above the door, and wasps making a nest in every hole around the house they could find! We also filled up our pool for the oncoming warm days and fixed up the garage for the chicks!

Wednesday morning, we woke up to no power because of a ‘storm’ the night before. This storm didn’t touch us, but it didn’t stop the power from going out… So, we spent the morning debating on whether or not to go get the chicks if we couldn’t bring them home and put them under a heat lamp right away. We decided to go ahead and get them from TSC and bring them home. We put them in a safe container with a screen over it and put them half in the sun (to keep warm if they needed too) and half in the shade (if they felt too hot). Special shout out to the lovely young lady at TSC for getting our chicks for us and recommending the best food for them to start out with.

Thankfully, the power came back on just after noon on Wednesday, but we made the most of our no-electric day! We spent the day playing in the pool and enjoying a picknick in the side yard. Ironically, we had planned to cook on the grill that day, so it was perfect timing that the power should go out around that time. My brother also magickly showed up with his swim-trunks (a few minutes after I told him the pool was filled up and the electric was out) and enjoyed our pool day / cookout picknick day with us. (The picture below was taken a day before, when we were still setting it up.)

On Thursday, I spent all day working while hubby stayed home with the chicks. Admittedly, I made him text me updates so that I knew they were still alive. I was worried about them spending half the day in the sun and away from the heat lamp, but they are still thriving and having a ball in their little container! Hubby and I even put a stick in there for them to sit on, and they are constantly fighting over who gets to sit on it and they push each other off for their turn!

Friday, we took the chicks on a little ‘field trip’ to the chicken pen while we cleaned out their shavings. They weren’t sure what to make of it at first, but after a few minutes, they ran around chasing bugs, and a few of them even tried to escape under and through the pen! They won’t go in there alone until they are much larger and can’t escape out the bottom!

And that brings us to today, Saturday. This morning, hubby and I went out to a few antique shops an hour away, and I found some really cute jewelry for the upcoming holidays! Most of these the jewelry I got was just a dollar! The pocket watch was an exceptionally good find from hubby! I used to have a little one I got from Irland, but it stopped working and no shop keeper around can seem to fix it! This new one is going to be nice to use for work and around the house. 🕒 After antique shopping, we stopped and got lunch at a local ice cream shop before heading home with some delicious shakes and fries!

We would have stayed out longer, or perhaps spent the rest of the day doing yard work and relaxing in the pool, but I sadly got called into work for tonight. So, for now, we are just relaxing at home until it’s time for me to go to work in about an hour or two…

I hope you enjoyed reading about our week here on our tiny homestead! I hope that the rest of you had amazing weeks full of adventures and smiles. ❤ And as always my lovely readers, smile, have an amazing day, and go on an adventure!

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