Decorating The House for Summer


It’s almost the Summer Equinox! Which means it is time to start decorating this house for summer in true ‘Merica‘ fashion! That means red, white, and blue is now EVERYWHERE in this house!

We don’t have many decorations for summer (since nothing ever happens in summer except Fourth of July and Memorial Day), so we did what we could to make the house look festive! Scarves were plentiful around here, so I used those in decorating!

Candles also made a great addition to the decorations. We had gotten these candles on discount from Christmas, but the stars look perfect for the Fourth of July decor!

And lastly, we decorated the couch with a red, white, and blue scarf, as well as some summer pillows I had picked up at a local store that was closing. The couch, along with the new ‘window’ backdrop we had just put up behind it, made for the perfect summer feel! ❤

COMMENT BELOW! How do you decorate your house for summer? Do you decorate your house for summer? And what’s your favorite season to decorate for? (Mine is Fall!)

And as always, smile, have an amazing day, and enjoy your summer! (Or Winter, if you’re reading this from the Southern Hemisphere!)


    • I had honestly stopped decorating for a while, as it made no sense to decorate just to take it all down again in a month. But I find it a lot more fun when I have someone to share it with and a home of my own to decorate. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, it would have when taking it all down again in a month. But with this being your new home and like a new start with it all, then decorating to the seasons will be fun.

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