Putting Woodchips Around the Garden Beds


This morning, while it was still cool, I got to work on putting the woodchips down around the garden beds. Eventually we hope to get the whole front yard to look like this, as grass is a complete waste of time and space! We want to have a functioning yard for growing, not a yard that is going to kill us with heat stroke every summer as we continue to waste gas and time mowing every week for something that can’t be harvested.

ANYWAYS! I had gotten boxes from work, which I had painstakingly sat and pulled all of the plastic off of this morning. I laid them around the garden beds and then went to my parents house to pick up the free woodchips they get delivered there.

I then spent the rest of the morning (in between going inside and cooling off) shoveling woodchips into a wheelbarrow, bringing it to the gardens, and raking it over the pathways. This was the finished product:

After putting the woodchips down, hubby sprayed it with the hose to wet down the cardboard so that it formed to its new surroundings. (It’ll rain later tonight to finish the job.)

We often find ourselves often wishing we could start a garden this year, but then I remind both hubby and I that we’ve only lived here a few short months, and that we are simply preparing for our future gardens. All good things come to those who wait, and we can’t wait to see what our yard becomes next year! Our future selves will sure be happy that we waited and put so much effort into this.

With that said, I must now head to work.. But before I go, remember to smile, have an amazing day, and do something for your future self today! 😉 (You will thank yourself later!)


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