21 Things Homesteaders Say to Their Spouses:


This is a ‘Part Two’ to my ‘You Know You’re a Homesteader When’ post. Click the link to read that first! And please enjoy and share with your spouse to see if they agree with the list!


“Don’t throw those potato peals away! I’m going to throw those in the compost/to the chickens!”

“Honey, have you seen my apron? No, not my cooking apron, my outside apron..”

“Don’t burn those leaves! I want them for my compost!”

“I swear, these plants were on sale! I had to get them! They would have died without me!”

‘I’ll only buy one plant.. Ohh, but then I need two for cross pollination! And then maybe another one, just so that we have enough for canning. Ohh, but that leaves the store with only one, and I can’t leave just one!”

“You can never have enough chickens!”

“Honey, the neighbor wants to know if we need a bunny. Their dog tried to kill it and we could use some bunnies, right?”

“Oh my god, honey! Come look! There’s another leaf growing on the tomato plant I just planted!”

“I can’t do laundry hun, it’s raining.. Yes I know we have a dryer, but the clothesline is better!”

“Hey, I just picked some berries from the bush, do you want some?”

“I know you just sat down, but the goat got out again and I need your help getting it back in the pen.”

“Look honey! I just bartered some chicken eggs for some jam from our neighbor!”

“Hey hun, do you feel like baking some more bread? I just ate the last of it..”

“I just found a bunch of free wood on Facebook Marketplace, should I get it?”

“Well, I can’t remember what I planted here, but it’s growing great!”

“I know it’s 100 degrees outside sweety, but I’m going to start a fire anyways..”

“This Christmas, everyone is getting homemade gifts from the homestead.”

“Finally, a winter day where I can sit down and relax. What do you mean I have to shovel and feed the animals!?”

“On a scale from 1-10, how important is it that I mow the grass today?”

“”Did you seriously use one of my good pots to make your candles in?!”

“Honey, I need room to cook in this kitchen! Can you please move your seed starts somewhere else?”


COMMENT BELOW! Have you said any of these things to your spouse? Do you have anything to add to the list? Let’s hear it in the comments below!

And as always, smile, have an amazing day, and ask your spouse which one sounds like you. 😉

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