13 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice


Happy Summer Solstice y’all! Today marks the beginning of Summer, and it is the longest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere! In case you were wondering how you can celebrate this joyous day of unlimited sun, here are 13 ways you and your family can celebrate the summer solstice!


#1. Enjoy some time in the sun!

Today is the longest day of the year, so go out and enjoy it! (Weather permitting..)

#2. Enjoy some bread with honey!

It’s officially summer! Which means that the bees are hard at work making honey! Enjoy some homemade breads with local honey drizzled over the top to break in the first day of summer!

#3. Start a fire!

Invite your friends over for a fire tonight, enjoy some smores, catch some fireflies, and start your summer off with a bang! The nights only get longer from here on out, so enjoy a nice fire to keep things in the light a little longer! (Weather permitting..)

#4. Pick some flowers!

Flowers are in full bloom right now! Pick some flowers and place them in a pretty jar inside your house to bring a little bit of summer into your home.

#5. Decorate your house!

One way to ring in the summer is to get decorating your house! Not only does it start the summer off right, but it allows summer to enter your home in more ways than just the heat!

#6. Do summer crafts!

Make a flower crown, sun catcher, or wind chimes at home! Have some birds around your house? Make a birdhouse or treats for the birds today! Make some signs for the gardens! Get creative!

#7. Go for a walk in nature!

(Again, weather permitting!) If it’s a nice enough day outside, go for a walk and enjoy the birds chirping in the trees, the sun shining down through the trees, the white fluffy clouds above you…

#8. Eat fruits and veggies!

Go to a local farmers market and grab some of your towns fresh local produce! Eating local not only helps the local farmers in the area, but it also lets you taste some of summers sweet produce (if you can’t grow it yourself).

#9. Watch the sunrise/sunset!

Okay, so depending on where in the world you’re at, you’ve already missed the first one. But watching the sunset is a great way to start the summer off. And remember, it only gets darker from here on out.

#10. Make some tea or lemonade!

To go with the fresh produce, and the honey bread, don’t forget to wash it down with some ice-cold lemonade or some sweet tea!

#11. Go to the beach!

Nothing says summer more than going to the beach! Swim in the cool water, sunbath on the sand, or have a picknick under the shade of a large tree!

#12. Dress in summer colors!

Put on your favorite sundress or shorts and bring out those sunglasses! Colors such as white, orange, yellow, and light blue’s are the perfect colors to wear for summer! And don’t forget the muck boots on the rainy days!

#13. Take a nap!

With this being the longest day of the year, you need to remember to take a nap sometime in between! šŸ˜‰ It’s good for you, and it’ll help you stay up longer to see the sunset!


COMMENT BELOW! How do you celebrate the start of summer?

As always my lovely readers, smile, have an amazing day, and enjoy your Summer Solstice!


    • That’s a great start to summer! Hopefully it’s not too hot over there, and don’t forget to check yourself for ticks! It’s close to 100 degrees here, WAY too hot to be outside but we are enjoying some down time inside and the chicks are loving this heat! šŸ„µā˜€ļø

      Liked by 1 person

      • The weather has been very unpredictable for June being mostly cold and sometimes wet. Today is another day where it will be nice if no last minute changes to the weather.
        Yes, I always cautious where I walk to reduce chances of having ticks abd checking I haven’t. I stick to paths and avoid brushing grass if I can.
        Too hot your temperature. I don’t do well in hot temperatures.

        Liked by 1 person

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