Lawrence Michigan / Small Town Hidden Gems

Lawrence Park

On the first adventure of ‘Small Town Hidden Gems’ my friend Kenna and I took a drive to Lawrence Michigan to explore a large wooden park.

This is truly the best start to my hidden gem series that I could ask for, as this is truly a hidden gem that not many people know about.

As wooden parks become a thing of the past –because of the constant threat of splinters in children– old parks like this are few and far between.

This park includes many things that bring you back in time.  (It actually reminds me of the old wooden park that I myself used to play at as a kid!)

This park has multiple metal slides of all shapes and sizes.  One slide was the tongue of a Dragon, one was tall and straight, one was a twisty slide, and there were many more small slides for those afraid of heights.

Bridge 2

Not a fan of slides?  How about castle towers and a bouncy bridge?  This park is in no short supply of castle towers!

The whole design of the park has you twisting and turning in the maze of a castle.  It’s hard not to feel like you’re in a story book; running off to fight the dragon and save the princes in this park..

Like climbing things?  There are plenty of things to climb here!  From roped walls and pyramids, to stacked tires (I almost got stuck going up those tires, they are NOT big enough for adults), to the tallest towers at the top of the longest staircases, there are plenty of places to crawl into, out of, and on top of!

There is no shortage of fun here no matter what age you are!  My friend and I had a blast running around this huge park and discovering every little hidden passage way, hidden game, and getting lost in the maze of this park.

If you’re ever near Lawrence Michigan, stop by this little hidden gem and explore the inside of a literal story book!  Take your kids or go with friends, this park has no age limit.  Just remember to pack your imagination, and be prepared to feel like a kid again!


  1. Oh that is a totally awesome playground. here in Australia during summer you have to be really careful with metal slippery dips(slides) as kids can get burnt on them. So glad you did not get stuck in the tyres, and need to be rescued by the Fire Service.

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    • Oh kids get burned on them all the time here as well! Most playground don’t have them anymore because of that reason, they’ve all switched to plastic slides. And I’m thankful that I didn’t get stuck too! I was trying to be VERY careful not to get stuck, but I was also very determined to get up those tires.. 😛

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