You Might Be A Military Brat If..


In honor of Armed Forces Day, I wanted to write a little post for my fellow Military Brats out there… Enjoy and share with friends!

You might be a Military Brat if; MREs are an acceptable dinner option!
My brother and I loved it when our father would bring MRE’s home from work! We’ve even gotten them as Christmas and birthday presents, and they were a staple for almost every military child growing up! We also LOVED giving the gross parts of the MREs to our civilian friends to try. Was it mean? Yes. Was it funny? Also yes!

You might be a Military Brat if; You get annoyed when someone asks where you’re from..
We all know this one.. We answer this question with a long life story of EVERY place we lived, so that no matter how they meant the question, it is answered non the less.

You might be a Military Brat if; Moving is life..
I have come to terms with the fact that I may never have my ‘forever home’. But any place I live is instantly turned into the best ‘home’ I can make it! Because home is wherever your family is, and we were taught that wherever we live, is our temporary home.

You might be a Military Brat if; You get excited when you meet another Military Brat!
This has happened at work a few times, and it forms an instant connection for those of us who share that special bond! “Wait, you’re a Navy Brat? No way! I’m an Army Brat!” And from there on out, you have a secret bond that no one can take away.

You might be a Military Brat if; You see someone from another branch and have the sudden urge to call them out on it!
“Uh-oh, here comes a Marine, better hide the crayons!”
“You were in the Chair-Force? Must be nice to sit around all day!”
“Fellow Army!? Heck yeah, best branch there is!” *high-fives person*
It’s like when small towners see someone from another town, and they have to assert their dominance that their town is the best. It’s the same thing with the Military Branches!

You might be a Military Brat if; You hear an airplane pass overhead and you instantly think of fighter jets or drones.
Every time I hear a plane pass over the store I work at (which is often, as there is a private airport right down the street), my mind goes to fighter jets or drones. I have to remind myself that people fly for fun around here, or that it’s probably a crop duster flying over fields. I am no longer in a place where planes are just for jumping out of or shipping soldiers overseas…

You might be a Military Brat if; You cry at those ‘soldier coming home’ videos.

You might be a Military Brat if; The word ‘TEAM’ has a little more meaning to you.
You will fight for your team! You will die for your team! Your team will be VICTORIOUS!
I don’t care if it’s just a school project! The other team is going DOWN!
*People stair at you blankly* 😐

You might be a Military Brat if; Hide and Seek was played with camo painted faces, night vision goggles, and nerf guns.
Yup, that’s how me and my neighbors used to play hide and seek at Fort Campbell! Hide and seek was no kids game to us! It was played at midnight, in the dead of summer, dressed in full camo, faces painted, and the only way to be ‘caught’ was to either be shot with a nerf gun bullet, or captured by the enemy and used as bait to catch the rest of your teammates. Just your normal Friday night on the Base!

You might be a Military Brat if; You think it’s odd when someone has more than two pets.
“Wait, you’re allowed to have more than two pets at a time?!” In the Military, you are only allowed two pets, and yes, that included hamsters, snakes, cats, dogs, hermit crabs, and birds. The only way you’re getting another pet is if one of them passes away, or if you send them packing to the pound!

You might be a Military Brat if; You know what an ‘I-D-Ten-Tango’ form is.
You also know that the flight line is a place, not an object. There are no humvee keys. And there are no batteries for chemlights. (Nice try dad!)

I hope that you enjoyed this post, and please share with other Military Brats! COMMENT BELOW if you want to add anything that I’ve missed! And if you want to read more stuff like this, check out the links below! As always, smile, have an amazing day, and go read some more blog posts!

More Military Posts:
*Month of a Military Child (BRAT)
*5 things the military taught my family and I
*(Poem) I am Army Strong
*How to Make a Christmas Wreath out of Old Military Uniforms
*The ‘GREAT’ Job Military Packers Do


  1. Great post! I’ve never tried one but I’ve seen Tiktoks of people eating their MREs and some look good! Also the night time cammo and nerf gun hide and seek sounds like so much fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    • MREs are great (depending on which ones you eat)! Some are a hit and miss, but when you grow up eating MREs, the taste is something you get used to. And our midnight hid and seek games were always so much fun! Especially when we could get the local neighborhood kids in on the game!


  2. I grew up with a couple of military families in my neighborhood. As a kid I was so intrigued how many places they lived. We lived in the same house from the time I was 2 through adulthood.

    Liked by 1 person

    • From the other side of that, I was always amazed at people who lived in one house their whole lives! I also had a friend who lived in a trailer and was embarrassed of that, but I LOVED her house because it wasn’t just an exact copy of every house in the neighborhood!


  3. hahaha, yup you’re sure a military brat!! My father was Army, my uncle and son were Marines, and my cousin Navy. Small family, but proud military!

    Liked by 1 person

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