Sitting in the Back Yard


As I sit here in the summer heat, at the round table that is now in our backyard, I can hear the wasps and wood bees buzzing around the house as they look for a way in. We have hung up deterrents around the house, but the bees are very persistent to get into the house! Perhaps they are after the last of the honey from the farmers markets last year? Or perhaps they too want to cool themselves off from the 90 degree weather we are having today..

The summer sun softly sifts through the bright green leaves of the maple trees and brightens the darkly covered back yard. I love looking up at the branches of these trees, as it contains quite a few birds and black squirrels, which have been so entertaining to watch! The black and grey squirrels have been a pleasant surprise to us, as we are only used to brown and red squirrels! We keep thinking we are seeing a large rat out of the corner of our eyes, or a very small cat sprinting across the yard, when it is in fact squirrels!

I sip my ice-cold lemonade and look around at our beautiful backyard. The swing is lazily swaying in the breeze, the chicken pen that we just ordered is finally set up in the back yard, and the dog next door chases birds protectively off his property. Oh, what was that second part you ask? About the chicken pen? Well, we are finally getting chickens this week and adding them to the back yard. Which will only add to the country ambiance of the back yard. 🐣🐤🐥

As the sky starts to darken, and the dark clouds make their way above my head, I start to gather my stuff to go in. The soft distant thunder can be heard through the air, and a sudden smell of rain hits my nose as I put the cousin away in the garage and take one last look around to see if anything else needs to be brought in as well.

I get inside just as the rain starts to trickle its way down to the land and a bright flash of heat lightning flashes across the sky. My lazy afternoon outside has come to an end, followed be a marvelous lightning show out my window! 🌩️⚡🌩️

I hope you enjoyed sitting out back with me! Please do visit again! And if you wish to have any other adventures with me, please see some of my other adventures below! And as always, smile, have an amazing day, and enjoy nature today!

Going For a Winter Walk
Our Little Trip Up North..
Foggy Morning Drive
A New Walking Trail Through The Woods
Pictures from my walk..
Walking Through A Narnia Wonderland
(Poem) I took a walk today
Fall Walk Down Main Street
Lawrence Michigan / Small Town Hidden Gems

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